Annual Fire Alarm Inspection
Posted On: August 23, 2023
The annual, mandatory fire inspection will be held on 2 consecutive Saturdays, September 30th, and October 7th, 2023. Per the Rules and Regulations, all homeowners must be home for the inspection, have a friend or relative there in your place, or have given your key to another person in the building so that the inspectors can gain access. No exceptions are allowed. Any homeowner that does not comply with this will be fined $1000 automatically. Subsequent fines of $1500, $2000, $2500, etc. per non-compliance will be levied against any homeowner who fails to schedule and be home for an inspection at a later date. These fines will be due within 30 days. The homeowner will also be responsible for rescheduling the inspection and seeing that everyone else in the building is available, if necessary.
The contractor, Affiliated Customer Service, will be looking at (1) the master panel in the B1 garages, (2) smoke detectors, (4) heat detectors, and (3) light annunciators.
We understand this can be an inconvenience for some of you but the Lisle/Woodridge Fire Department Ordinance requires an annual inspection. This is not optional. Additionally, we are concerned about the health and safety of all owners and ask for your cooperation. You will only need to be home for at most four hours. The schedule for inspections is as follows:
September 30, 2023
Danbury Drive
2400, 2416, 2404, 2420, 2408, 2424, 2412, 2428
Salem Court
2432, 2444, 2436, 2448, 2440, 2452
October 7, 2023
Brunswick Circle
All Even Addresses
2470, 2474, 2478, 2482, 2486, 2490, 2496
All Odd Addresses
2467, 2489, 2473, 2493, 2481, 2485
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