Fines to Be Sent Out

Posted On: September 4, 2023

Parking of Cars
This issue has been brought up at every meeting for over 2 years. To this
day, people are still violating the rule.  It is against the Village of Woodridge
rules to park your car covering the sidewalk. There are people who have
their cars partially sticking out in the street. Hillcrest will be issuing tickets to
the offenders going back to May 2023.  Once someone doesn’t pay a fine
after 30 days, they will incur a late fee after 90 days a letter from the
lawyer. This is the law in Woodridge.

People aren’t turning their lights on at night. Those who don’t will be fined.
People who have already been fined do not care. Fines will be sent or re-
sent within the next 10 days.

Please do not leave your garbage cans on the side of your house. Please
bring in your garbage bins at the end of the day. It is against the rules.

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