Landscaping Information

Posted On: June 17, 2021

Due to numerous complaints about our previous landscaping contractor, Acres, we have switched to Sebert for our landscaping and snow removal needs.

As a reminder, just as with Acres, Sebert will not be watering lawns. This is the responsibility of the homeowner. Please discuss a watering schedule with the other homeowners in your building. We must work together to keep our grass healthy, especially now with the hot weather and lower amounts of rain.

Also (again as with Acres) Sebert will not be weeding your courtyard areas. This is and always has been the responsibility of the homeowner.

Sebert will begin pruning bushes and trees this month, and the pruning process will last through the first week of July.

You can download Sebert’s schedule here to check and see when certain landscaping services will be performed this summer and fall:

If you have any questions about landscaping, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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