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Posted On: November 13, 2024 By Lisa Brandush
The board will be holding elections for new board members. Our board does important work managing the association, and we welcome a fresh perspective new members can bring. If you'd like to be part of the board, please fill out the following form and return it to Linda Stanko.Application Form
Posted On: September 16, 2024 By Lisa Brandush
f you live in a B2 unit, please turn off the water valve in your downstairs closet by October 31, 2024. Please make sure the water is off for the remainder of the winter season to prevent pipes freezing and bursting. If a pipe bursts due to a unit owner forgetting to turn off the water, that unit owner may be personally liable for damages.
Posted On: September 16, 2024 By Lisa Brandush
The annual, mandatory fire inspection will be held on 2 consecutive Saturdays, September 28th, and October 5th, 2024. Per the Rules and Regulations, all homeowners must be home for the inspection, have a friend or relative there in your place, or have given your key to another person in the building so that the inspectors can gain access. No exceptions are allowed. Any homeowner that does not comply with this will be fined $1000 automatically. Subsequent fines of $1500, $2000,…
Posted On: July 6, 2024 By Lisa Brandush
Our sealcoating project has been rescheduled for the following dates: Danbury and Salem Court Wednesday, July 10thBrunswick Circle Odd Addresses Thursday, July 11th.Brunswick Circle Even Addresses Friday, July 12th.Cars must be moved off the driveway by 7:00 am the day of. You will not be able to use your driveway for 24 hours.
Posted On: June 18, 2024 By Lisa Brandush
The seal coating project originally scheduled for June 25 and June 26 has been cancelled due to inclement weather. We will send out an update when the project is rescheduled.
Posted On: September 4, 2023 By Lisa Brandush
Parking of CarsThis issue has been brought up at every meeting for over 2 years. To thisday, people are still violating the rule.  It is against the Village of Woodridgerules to park your car covering the sidewalk. There are people who havetheir cars partially sticking out in the street. Hillcrest will be issuing tickets tothe offenders going back to May 2023.  Once someone doesn't pay a fineafter 30 days, they will incur a late fee after 90 days a letter…
Posted On: August 23, 2023 By Lisa Brandush
The annual, mandatory fire inspection will be held on 2 consecutive Saturdays, September 30th, and October 7th, 2023. Per the Rules and Regulations, all homeowners must be home for the inspection, have a friend or relative there in your place, or have given your key to another person in the building so that the inspectors can gain access. No exceptions are allowed. Any homeowner that does not comply with this will be fined $1000 automatically. Subsequent fines of $1500, $2000,…
Posted On: June 23, 2023 By Lisa Brandush
Watering is restricted during the drought we are experiencing—only water newly planted flowers or bushes.  DO NOT WATER YOUR LAWN IN THE BACK OF YOUR BUILDING.  You will be responsible for the building water bill outside regular watering.
Posted On: June 22, 2023 By Lisa Brandush
The village is repairing and replacing curbs. While the work is ongoing, many of us cannot use our driveways and must park on the street. If you cannot use your driveway, please be mindful of where you are parking. It is still illegal to block fire hydrants. It is also not advisable to park in front of the mailboxes as you are preventing your neighbors from accessing their mail. Please be mindful of where you are parking while the work…
Posted On: November 1, 2022 By Lisa Brandush
We STILL have several unit owners that are not following the R&R’s and Declarations of VOW and The Village of Woodridge.  Parking a car in a way that blocks sidewalks is prohibited by Village ordinance. The Village understands that moving cars off the street at night might require the blockage of a section of the sidewalk. The Police Department is directed to exercise tolerance and discretion in enforcing the “sidewalk ordinance” after 10:00 p.m. and before 5:30 a.m. This is also stated…
Posted On: November 1, 2022 By Lisa Brandush
It's time to prepare for snow and cold weather. If you are in a B2 unit, please remember to shut off the outside water. The valve is located in your downstairs closet. B2 unit owners who do not turn off their water will be responsible for any damage to the building if a burst pipe occurs. All unit owners should remember to leave pipes dripping during very cold weather. A burst pipe can cause a lot of damage to your…
Posted On: June 15, 2022 By Lisa Brandush
All decks and balconies must be in good structural and cosmetic condition.  Decks should be cleaned and stained. Decks can be stained any color besides white or black. We recommend matching with your downstairs or upstairs neighbor, but this is not required. Homeowners have until October 1 to repair and perform maintenance on decks and balconies. A $500 fine will apply to any deck or balcony that is not in proper maintained order by October 1. One homeowner has recommended…
Posted On: May 17, 2022 By Lisa Brandush
In accordance with the Village of Woodridge laws as well as our association rules, cars must not be parked in a way that blocks public sidewalks. We understand that many homeowners have more than one car and need to park one or more cars on their driveway. However, it is difficult for pedestrians to stay on the sidewalks (particularly in winter when there is snow and ice) when cars are blocking their way.
Posted On: December 17, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
Our assessments will be increased by 5% in 2022. The new assessment amounts will be as follows: A1: $254.38 A2: $263.08 B1: $275.16 B2: $283.34 If you have any questions about your assessment, please contact Linda Stanko
Posted On: November 20, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
The board is proposing passing the following amendment: Any project the board wishes to complete can only spend up to $700,000 in total without the homeowners' approval. Any project that costs more than $700,000 in total must be put to a vote of all unit owners and would take 75% of ownership to agree.  If the project is to be broken up into stages, the sum of the cost of all stages cannot be more than $700,000 unless the ownership votes…
Posted On: November 2, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
Please make sure your garage and front door lights are turned on. This makes our community a safer place. If your lights are turned on but not working properly, please contact our property manager Linda Stanko so she can create a work order to have the light fixed.
Posted On: November 2, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
If you live in a B2 unit, please turn off the water valve in your downstairs closet. Please make sure the water is off for the remainder of the winter season to prevent pipes freezing and bursting. If a pipe bursts due to a unit owner forgetting to turn off the water, that unit owner may be personally liable for damages.
Posted On: September 13, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
Driveway sealcoating will take place between September 21 and September 23. Please remove your car from the driveway on your respective day. Cars can be returned to the driveways after 5:00pm on the following day. Our management company will be alerting the police department that residents' cars will be parked on the street overnight on those dates.
Posted On: August 5, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
If you haven't done so already, please have a key to your unit put in the knox box. This is so fire department personnel can access your unit in the event of an emergency if you are not home or are unable to answer the door. If emergency personnel need to access your unit and you are not home to let them in, they may have to break down your door. The association will not cover the cost to replace…
Posted On: June 21, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
You may have noticed that Sebert did not mow your lawn this week. This was intentional due to weather conditions. Our representative from Sebert writes: "Although we were happy to see an early Spring this year, it was unfortunately a dry one. Combined with the excessive heat we are experiencing, intervention in turf maintenance is essential to keep potential damage to a minimum. The warm, dry weather we are currently experiencing causes heat tracking in the lawn. "Heat tracking" or…
Posted On: June 17, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
During our annual spring walk through, we noticed several decks that are in disrepair. Decks are not a common element and are the homeowner's responsibility. Maintaining your deck is not only a cosmetic concern but also a safety concern, especially if you are in an upper floor unit. Please make sure your deck is in good condition with no large cracks or splinters in the wood. Decks should be securely fastened to the building. Decks should also be clean and…
Posted On: June 17, 2021 By Lisa Brandush
Due to numerous complaints about our previous landscaping contractor, Acres, we have switched to Sebert for our landscaping and snow removal needs. As a reminder, just as with Acres, Sebert will not be watering lawns. This is the responsibility of the homeowner. Please discuss a watering schedule with the other homeowners in your building. We must work together to keep our grass healthy, especially now with the hot weather and lower amounts of rain. Also (again as with Acres) Sebert…